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Flat roof

5 Common Problems With Flat Roofs

Given the cost, mess and time involved in putting a roof together, you may be forgiven for thinking that it will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, roofs have a limited shelf-life, and flat…

wooden windows

How to Care and Maintain Wooden Windows

If there’s one thing most people agree on it’s that wooden windows look fantastic. But they come with a cost: maintenance. Well maintained wooden windows can last a lifetime, so we’ve put…

Kitchen worktop

Selecting the Right Kitchen Worktop

Whether you’re looking to install a brand new kitchen or revamp your current one, a kitchen worktop can help make or break your kitchen. As one of the busiest rooms in most…

Guttering Maintenance

Guttering Maintenance: Our top 5 tips

  Your guttering is more important to the well-being of your home than you may think. By catching and directing water safely away from the roof, walls and foundation of your house,…